Saturday 28 February 2015

Activating the giant within the giant

Don’t let what didn't work stop what will work, don’t stop where others think you are finished. The biggest mistake people make is allowing others, their background, and the present circumstances, which they face, set the limitation for their future as to how far they can go, how much they can do and achieve in life.  Failure does not break the heart of focused and determined people, it’s just the only way they get challenged and motivated to do more, achieving the impossible.  In God’s divine program, he sees every disappointment, set back, disability that we may consider a limitation, as an opportunity for us in disguise, to launch us into the fulfillment of his purpose, pushing us forward to achieving all he has planned out for us. Determined minds see every failure as a blessing, because it brings us a step closer to our success, breakthrough, glory, victory and the finish line, proving our patience and attitude in the process.

 Owner of defunct Daylin  corporation that owned chandy Dan, a chain of home improvement stores, Sandy Sigoloff called himself the merciless and he was blunt to fire Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank off their jobs in 1978.These two friends went ahead to start up 'HomeDepot' and today, HomeDepot makes nearly $60 billion dollars annual sales.

 Don't stop where anything once dropped you off, don’t let the negativity define you, but only the word of God, failure is stopping at the point which people, your circumstances, background has set for you. When everything points the wrong direction / doom for Joseph, the Son of Jacob, he kept his resolve firm in God, his word and dream, he choose to only stop in life where God wanted him to stop, that's success. Find your next place and fit in, the word 'future' means 'opportunity coming'. Wake up; dust off your fears and pains. Create a world where those who feel you are defeated will come and feel your victory, your world, friends, siblings and parents are all waiting for your due manifestation. You a dynamite ready for an explosion, a miracle going somewhere to happen, a wonder causing amazements in the hearts of the world around you.

 Choose not to get drowned or broken with the bricks life throws at you, but to maintain the right attitude, making a castle of it.  It’s never too late to prove your past wrong. You may not like the past few years but that is not all to it, you can do something that will keep you loving the rest of your life. That is the decision i have taken. Even the prodigal son came to a point he looked back and make up his mind to beat his past few years. And he did.

  If God does not trust your life, He won't create it. Its time you look away from all the opinion that says you can't make it. You have been hearing a voice inside you telling you that it’s going to be rougher than ever, that’s a lie. God does not create a weak future. You were not born to fail, so don’t quit. When God was done with you, he looked at you and said, 'Reproduce, be fruitful, replenish, have dominion, subdue, rule over all things'. You are set to win. God believes in you. Also believe in yourself.

People will have opinion of you but don't let that weaken you what you need to champion your own possibilities in destiny is your faith, the key to all possibilities. We all have process to our future and right now, you could be like Moses fleeing from Pharaoh but always know that you will come back to win.

Everything the devil tells you are lies no matter how real they seem to be. People have become murderers, fraudsters, prostitutes and thieves because the devil proved to them that God doesn't care. How can the devil ever have truth in him? He wants your future. What Judas heard to betray Jesus was not what he got after the betrayal. What was the legacy of Gehazi’s Leprosy?  Don't let that happen to you.

 Humphrey Sullivan only cut the rubber sheet he was standing on as he worked as a printer boy to attach to his shoe as he worked to avoid heat getting to his leg. His mind went to the idea of using rubber sheet for a shoe sole and that that was how a poor publishing house machine operator invented the first world rubber sole and became a famous millionaire and company owner in few years.

 God promised you something, 'I will give you the ability to create a future'...Deuterenomy8:18. This promise has even worked for people who have little faith. It will work for you and me too.

An idea is coming into you. Such idea will create success and rest for you. The cars others drive will not drive away your own future. Smile as you trek today because tomorrow, someone will need to smile as you drive by too. Your future is about to happen. Wake up and have faith. Jesus said, 'If you believe, you will see the glory of God. And they believed, Lazarus came out of the grave after days.

 You are coming out of this painful life experience and lack a victor and champion. A new door has opened. Let’s take a shift into our future and do the impossible, faith in God works, for the giant in you awaits its awakening. Shine

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