Friday 27 February 2015

Should i respect my spouse?

Everybody wants to be respected, real depth of respect is one great virtue, that couples must consistently exercise towards each other, to have a successful marriage. Before you begin to give respect, you really need to understand what respects means for him/her. for one, respect could mean you listen to her, for another respect could mean openness, for another respect could mean maximum attention without distraction, for another helping with house chores, for him, it may just be you, believing in him, for another not scolding, blaming or judging them. 

We will succeed so much more in building a better partnership and friendship in 

marriage when we learn to understand what respect truly mean, to each other and make it a responsibility, duty and obligation to always give it with sincerity and humility and also to receive it with humility, appreciation, reciprocating same. Train yourself to enjoy and love, to find happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction, pleasure and joy giving respect, irrespective of the circumstances. This the foundation to pleasing your spouse and making them happy, it takes humility and a good conscience to treat each other with respect, honor, dignity, esteem, pleasing and serving each other in love, 

Make up your mind to enjoy your marriage and make giving respect what you love to do, that truly makes you worthwhile and complete. Respect is one way you prove you truly care about your spouse, that they mean so much to you, it's one way to show your worth and value for them, it's one way you will positively impact your spouse. It's one way to continually find joy and happiness when you both together, respect is everything and God exalts the humble, he gives more grace to the person who is humble, not seeking self. More grace

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